Long overdue: Google is installing Assistant in YouTube

Google Assistant Smartphone App Head

Finally, Google had a good idea again. A test run is currently underway for the Google Assistant in the YouTube app. Of course, it’s not about controlling YouTube by voice. Instead, Assistant should be able to automatically provide further information. For example, to an artist when you watch a music video. Or the cast of the film when we watch a trailer.

Google Assistant is supposed to expand the YouTube app sensibly

The first screenshots show how practical this can be with the example of films just mentioned:

via 9to5Google

And so can Assistant in YouTube provide further information on all videos with a “click”. Without having to change the app or make a search query yourself.

Announcement is pending: Test run before the final rollout

As mentioned, this new integration is currently a test phase. So it may not even be visible to many people. Google wants Assistant but in as many products as possible and thus closer to the people, which is why the integration into the YouTube app has certainly long been decided. If you don’t feel like it, you can ignore the assistant area, as I personally do with the comment column on YouTube.

Founder and acting boss of SmartDroid.de, blogs here and only here since 2008. All inquiries to me, in the comments or via the linked networks. More from Denny Fischer

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