Look Like a Snack With This Dress That’s Giving Summer Picnic Realness

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Allegra K Plaid Ruffled Sleeveless Dress

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Do you plan on going out and having some picnics this summer? Why not look the part with a beautiful dress that brings every part of a picnic to mind, mostly the tablecloth? That might sound silly, but it’s exactly what you’ll be thinking about when you slip into this look. It’s just fun and whimsical enough to make you really feel the summer, and get others in the mood, too. And you can get it right now at Walmart if you’re interested.

The Allegra K Plaid Ruffled Sleeveless Dress is just $31 at Walmart, and it’s one you won’t want to miss out on, because there’s no doubt everyone else will want their own, too. This sleeveless dress is red and white checked all over like a picnic blanket or a tablecloth, and it has ruffled sleeves and a ruffled collar. Let’s not forget its ruffled hem as well, which brings the entire look together. This is a dress that you can elevate with simple accessories, but it can stand alone all on its own as well. It’s such a fun and unique look that you’ll want to wear it every chance you get.

See it!

Get the Allegra K Plaid Ruffled Sleeveless Dress for just $31 at Walmart!

As usual, this is a full-length dress that’s just affordable enough to add plenty of other accessories to, like a beige pair of sandals or purse or even a fun hair barrette. There are a lot of ways you can enhance the look, but the base dress is cheap and quality, which you’ve probably already learned you can trust Walmart for.

See it!

Get the Allegra K Plaid Ruffled Sleeveless Dress for just $31 at Walmart!

If you want a summer-appropriate look but don’t want to empty your entire wallet for it, be sure to grab yours now before it sells out this season.

Get the Allegra K Plaid Ruffled Sleeveless Dress for just $31 at Walmart!

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Looking for something else? Explore more from Allegra K here and shop other fashion here! Don’t forget to check out all of Walmart’s deals for more great finds!

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