Lucifer idle tips and hints

How Tos

Lucifer idle tips and hints

The highway out of hell is filled with devilish difficulties but you can ease your suffering with these hints and tips for Lucifer Idle.

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The name Lucifer may be synonymous with all things evil but in this action-packed idle title, the fallen former angel is the only thing that stands in the way of the complete destruction of humanity at the hands of otherworldly baddies.

If you’ve played other idle games, you’ll know exactly what to expect from Lucifer idle.

Your on-screen hero is a self-sufficient character and will continue to battle it out with hordes of attacking beasties even when you’re away from the game. You will, however, have to pop in from time to time to improve her attributes and make sure she stays one step ahead of the enemy.

As Lucifer successfully dispatches her foes, she’ll independently complete missions and gain experience that will allow her to level up and unlock new skills and equipment that will empower her to take on progressively harder challenges.

Taking on endless waves of monsters has never been an easy job, but don’t panic: Pocket Gamer is here to help you. Here are three tips that will help you save the world.

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Tip #1 – Character development is your key to success

A list of the character upgrades and enhancements in Lucifer Idle

There are a few different ways to improve Lucifer’s stats and abilities and you’ll want to pay attention to them all.

The first thing you’ll want to do is access the character development menu by tapping on the image of Lucifer’s face that’s near the bottom of your device’s screen. From here, you can use gold to boost a variety of your warrior’s attributes, such as her attack power, attack speed, max HP and MP levels.

You can even increase the amount of gold that Lucifer will find during her battles, which allows you to perform more upgrades.

Another thing you want to pay particular attention to is Lucifer’s skills, which come in active and passive varieties and can be found by tapping on the spell book image near the bottom of your display.

You can upgrade any of the skills you’ve unlocked to increase their potency or equip entirely new skills from this menu.

Make sure you perform these enhancements frequently.


Tip #2 – Some missions need a hands-on approach

A shot of the battlefield and a completed mission in Lucifer Idle

Lucifer may be able to slay beasts and complete some of her tasks independently, but that doesn’t mean you can neglect her completely.

Lucifer idle is chocked full of missions that require more of a hands-on approach if you want to complete them, which is definitely recommended as they offer some rather useful rewards.

Most of these missions are pretty straightforward and usually involve raising Lucifer’s HP or MP to a specific level, upgrading her skills, or making sure she’s equipped with the latest and greatest weaponry.

The rewards for completing said missions include gold, diamonds, skill upgrade stones and a variety of summoning tickets that can be spent to unlock new weapons, orbs and – as you progress further into the game – pets and relics.

If you’re looking to advance through Lucifer idle as quickly as possible, spending time to finish missions is a great way to do so.


Tip #3 – Weapons are a hero’s best friend

A lot of staves sorted by their power level

If watching hundreds of action movies has taught us anything, it’s that having access to a vast arsenal of weapons will significantly increase your chances of coming out of a heated battle unscathed.

Equipment in Lucifer idle is unlocked via summons, which require summon tickets to perform. Unfortunately, while you can pick the category of equipment that you’d like to summon for, the specific item that you receive will be chosen at random.

Weapons are useless if they’re sat in your armoury collecting dust, so every time you perform a summon be sure to double-check if any of the pieces you’ve just received are better than what Lucifer already has equipped.

Another thing to keep a close eye on is upgrades, as these can drastically improve Lucifer’s damage output.

Head on over to the gear menu any time that you earn upgrade stones and see if you have enough to improve your champion’s loadout. Doing so will give you an undeniable edge in battle.

If you’ve been enjoying Lucifer idle and you’re looking for another demon-filled idle title, you may want to check out our hints and tips for Devil Slayer. If you want a completely different experience and you think a fantasy RPG could scratch your itch, feast your eyes on our Atelia Resleriana tips that we have collected..

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Anthony Usher

Anthony Usher


Anthony is a Liverpool, UK-based writer who fell in love with gaming while playing Super Mario World on his SNES back in the early ’90s. When he isn’t busy grooming his beard, you can find him replaying Resident Evil or Final Fantasy VII for the umpteenth time. Aside from gaming, Anthony likes hiking, MMA, and pretending he’s a Viking.

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