Famous motivational speaker Louise Hay constantly emphasized that self-love is the basis of all later relationships. We bring you affirmations that can help you love yourself more

Can you look in the mirror in the morning when you get up and say “I’m beautiful”? Are you at peace with yourself and your thoughts, do you love and accept your body, your flaws? Self-love is in the first place, because it is the basis for all other relationships that we will have later in life. Self-love is not selfish, on the contrary, it is necessary because it is the only way to love others and be loved! The famous motivational speaker Louise Hay has been dealing with this topic throughout her career.

– For me, love is deep respect. When I talk about loving ourselves, I mean deeply appreciating who we are. We accept all the different parts of ourselves – our little peculiarities, inconveniences, things we may not do so well, as well as all our wonderful qualities. Unfortunately, many of us will not love ourselves until we lose weight, or get a job, or get a raise, or a boyfriend, or anything else. We often set the conditions for our love. But we can change. We can love ourselves as we are now – said Hey.

We are in charge of our lives

– If you are not willing if you love yourself today, then you will not love yourself tomorrow, because whatever excuse you have today, you will have tomorrow. You may have the same excuse in 20 years from now, and even leave this life by sticking to the same excuse – pointed out Louise

Love is something we can choose, in the same way that we choose anger, hatred or sadness.

– We can choose to forgive someone who has hurt us. We can choose to be grateful for what we have. We can choose love. We always have a choice. Let’s start right now at this point to choose love. It is the most powerful healing force that exists! – said Louise Hay

  1. Loving others is easy when I love and accept myself.
  2. I am surrounded by love. Everything is fine.
  3. Today is the day when you can love yourself completely without any expectations.
  4. I accept all the different parts of myself – my little peculiarities, inconveniences, things I may not do so well, as well as all my wonderful qualities.
  5. ) I am beautiful to myself and everyone loves me. Love greets me wherever I go.
  6. The connection I have with myself is the most important. Everyone else can come and go. My connection with myself is eternal.
  7. I discover how magnificent I am. I choose to love myself and enjoy myself.
  8. The greatest gift I can give myself is unconditional love.
  9. Sensa

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