Lviv's top news for January 24

Lviv region is rapidly approaching the red quarantine zone. Coronavirus patients are growing in a way that has not been seen in two years of the pandemic. Thousands of eSupport – to buy drugs. At present, Ukrainians over the age of 60 can buy medicines at the expense of vaccination. And the period “after the holidays” has already come: the city is starting to dispose of Christmas trees, the main Christmas tree in Lviv was also dismantled. Sofia Troschuk will tell about it.

+ 1192

As of January 24, the number of residents of Lviv who were diagnosed with coronavirus Covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic, – 110,481 (+1 192 for the previous day).

New quarantine restrictions came into force in Lviv

Senior classes have switched to online training, and minibus passengers will be checked for masks.

Paralympian from Lviv region won the second gold of the World Championship

Pavlo Bal won gold in the individual race and team mixed relay.

In Sambor, a car knocked down a family with two children on the sidewalk

The car went to the sidewalk and knocked down the parents together with their two sons, demolishing the metal fence.

On Friday, 27 streets of Lviv will be without light during the day

We publish a list of addresses where there will be no light during January 25.

In Drohobych, a couple died in a fire in an apartment

The parents of the owner of the apartment were killed. It is known that the deceased husband was 76 years old, the age of his wife is not yet known

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