Lydia Shouleva: Probably the minimum wage will increase by about 5-7%

Лидия Шулева: Вероятно минималната заплата ще се увеличи с около 5-7%

Photo: Bloomberg

The increase in the minimum wage is unlikely to be in the amount in which the unions want. But it is likely to increase by about 5-7% next year. This was said to BNR by Lydia Shouleva, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Labor and Social Policy (2001-2005).

She stated that in all cases next year there will be an increase in the minimum wage. Shuleva reminded that there is still no clear mechanism for determining the minimum wage in Bulgaria and its amount is usually determined after disputes between trade unions and employers.

The comment is on the occasion of the announcement of the caretaker Minister of Labor and Social Policy Galab Donev that his department is making estimates for different options for increase of the minimum wage next year. He pointed out that the jump from BGN 650 to BGN 760, as requested by CITUB, is too high and is not tied to the other components that determine the minimum wage, but did not rule out that such an option is being worked on.

Lydia Shouleva pointed out that the arguments of the employers against the increase of the minimum wage will be related to the effects of the pandemic on the business, the lag with the vaccination, the shock rise in the price of electricity.

According to her, business circles will point out that “a number of industries in the economy are severely affected by the pandemic and many businesses need to be closed. Bulgarians stubbornly refuse to be vaccinated. That’s why many employees go to long hospitals. And employers are forced to close certain types of activities, which has a negative impact on business. “

” If we add the big energy shock, the increase in the minimum wage will have a negative effect on employment and this must be taken into account, “said Shuleva.

In this sense, higher minimum wages, combined with all this, will lead to a contraction in employment. A balance must be sought between ensuring that people have the opportunity to meet higher prices and keep their jobs, the guest believes.

Since prices in our country are approaching European levels, wages will also have to grow. Of course, the pace is different. However, a number of factors must be taken into account that hinder the equalization of salaries in the EU, the expert commented.

Lydia Shouleva also commented on business aid due to high electricity prices.

“There will be delays in payments due to the need for a functioning parliament. But businesses may reflect these amounts in their forecasts as conditionally guaranteed, and this will have less of an impact on the prices of the goods they produce. “.

Regarding the current political situation, she said that Bulgarians should stop waiting for a messiah to come and improve the situation in the country.

“This prevents us from realizing our own responsibility. And that is to go to the polls, cast our vote for the party we have elected, and give the opportunity to create legitimate majorities. to take responsibility for governing the country. It all depends on us, “said Lydia Shouleva.

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