Machine learning predicts cellular response to genetic perturbation

    Nature Biotechnology

    (2023)Cite this article


    GEARS, a machine learning model informed by biological knowledge of gene–gene relationships, effectively predicts transcriptional responses to multi-gene perturbations. GEARS can predict the effects of perturbing previously unperturbed genes and detects non-additive interactions, such as synergy, when predicting combinatorial perturbation outcomes. Thus, GEARS expands insights gained from perturbational screens.

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    Fig. 1: GEARS performs in silico gene perturbation.


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    This is a summary of: Roohani, Y., Huang, K. & Leskovec, J. Predicting transcriptional outcomes of novel multigene perturbations with GEARS. Nat. Biotechnol. (2023)

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    Machine learning predicts cellular response to genetic perturbation.
    Nat Biotechnol (2023).

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