Macro Network, Samsung Electronics Notebook October Fall Proposal Exhibition

Z Ʈʻ ũγƮ 10 θ 2021 10 1Ϻ 10 10ϱ 10ϰ ̹ Ͽ Ѵ.


ǰδ AMOLED ÷ ʽ ʰ淮 پ ޴뼺 ڶϴ Z ú ø 5 ȮƮ 7% NHī ̹ ݾ 7% ̹ Ʈ ޵Ǵ Ѵ.

Z ú 360 AMOLED ÷ ž Ʈ ޴뼺 Ʈ̴. ֽ ھi7 16GB žϰ 360 ŷ ΰ ÷ Ʈ̴.

Z ú δ ʰ淮, ʽ ǰ ÷ 120% Eye-care Ű AMOLED÷, ִ 21ð ͸ ž Ʈ̴.

ú ̿2 ̽ƽ ȭƮ ÷ õ ΰ Բ ֽ ھ 11 CPU žϸ ġе ⸦ ϰ ִ ͸ ִ ǰ̴.

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