“Madani Makkah”: Rescue of 4 people who were trapped in their vehicle due to rain water

The Civil Defense in Makkah Al-Mukarramah region issued a notice on Friday evening about a video clip circulating of people detained in a vehicle, due to the high level of rainwater in a valley in Al-Bustan village.

(The Civil Defense said in a tweet via its Twitter account: “It is a reference to the circulating clip of the detention of people in a vehicle, we make it clear that they have been rescued.” Al-Bustan is in Al-Abwa Center, and they are in good health, praise be to God.”


January 14, 2022 – Jumada al-Thani 11, 1443 07:00 PM

“Madani Makkah”: Rescue of 4 people who were trapped in their vehicle due to rainwater

The Civil Defense in the Makkah Al-Mukarramah region issued a notice on Friday evening about a video clip circulating of people detained in a vehicle, as a result of a high level Rainwater in a valley in the village of Al-Bustan.

The Civil Defense said in a tweet via its Twitter account: “It is a reference to the circulating clip of the detention of people in a vehicle, we make it clear that they were rescued.”

He added that “there were 4 people in a valley in the village of Al-Bustan in the center of Al-Abwa, and they are in good health, praise be to God.”


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