Mahant Nritya Gopal Das's condition stable, admitted in Lucknow's Medanta Hospital

Story Highlights

  • Mahant Gopal Das was infected with corona last year
  • hospitalized after having breathing problem

Mahant Nritya Gopal Das, President of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust, has once again been admitted to Medanta Hospital in Lucknow. Dr. Rakesh Kapoor, Medical Director of Medanta Hospital told that Mahant Nritya Gopal Das was having difficulty in breathing, due to which he was having problems in urine. He has been admitted to ICU ie Intensive Care Unit due to urine infection.

According to Dr. Rakesh Kapoor, his condition is stable and satisfactory. Dr Rakesh Kapoor told that Mahant has been kept under the supervision of specialists of Critical Care Department of Medanta Hospital and senior doctors of Urology Department. Nritya Gopal Das was admitted to Medanta Hospital in an ambulance through the Green Corridor. He had an operation here on 10 November. In a press release issued by Medanta Hospital, it was told that during the investigation, blood clots were found in his lungs. Nritya Gopal Das was having trouble breathing due to the presence of excessive blood clots in the lungs. In such a situation, Mahant’s operation was done to dissolve the clot found in the lungs.

In the media bulletin released on November 10, it was also told that Nritya Gopal Das’s kidneys were not working. His dialysis process was started by the doctors of nephrology to improve the condition of kidney failure and urine formation.

It is worth mentioning that Mahant Nritya Gopal Das had corona infection in Mathura. . After this he was cured, but later he had difficulty in breathing, after which he had to be admitted to the hospital. On Sunday, he was once again admitted to Medanta Hospital in Lucknow.

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