Maia Sandu sent a message of condolences to the victims of the fire at the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Constanța

On Saturday, the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, sent a message of condolences to the victims of the fire at the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Constanța .

“I watched with great concern and sadness the news of the fire that broke out on October 1 at the Infectious Diseases Hospital in the city of Constanţa and the dramatic operation of rescuing the patients from the flames.

I send my sincere condolences to all those who lost loved ones in this tragedy and wish them a speedy recovery. to those who suffered in the fire. We are thinking with them and with the entire people of Romania! ”, Transmitted Maia Sandu.

Seven patients died, on Friday, in the fire that broke out at the ATI Covid Section of the Infectious Diseases Hospital Constanţa. The entire hospital, where 125 patients were hospitalized, was evacuated.

Editor: Adrian Dumitru

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