Mail from Wagner

Post from Wagner | Subject: World power

Franz Josef WagnerFoto: DANIEL BISKUP

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Franz Josef Wagner Photo: DANIEL BISKUP

Article from: Franz Josef Wagner published on

Born in a garage in 1976 in California by three long-haired students. One just came back from India. Steve Jobs, adopted child, LSD experience.

These three guys, friends of smoking weed, gave their company the name Apple – and because life is not a paradise, they bit the apple.

Today Apple is worth three trillion dollars. As the first company in the world.

There have been great victories in this world. Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great – Apple is bigger.

The always Apple getting richer reminds me of Midas, the richest person in ancient times. King Midas wants the gods to turn everything he touches into gold. His wish was granted.

But since everything he ate in food turned into gold, he starved to death.

My wish, give of your trillions to the poor. Be kind and not just rich.


Your Franz Josef Wagner

You can read the current reporting on the topic here.

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