Mainland, Taiwanese coastguards join forces to save capsized fishing boat crew

Two people from mainland China are missing after their fishing boat capsized near Taipei-controlled Quemoy, also called Kinmen, on Thursday, with the search continuing, according to state news agency Xinhua.

Mainland Chinese and Taiwanese coastguards worked together to rescue the crew of the Fujian fishing boat on Thursday morning, with two people recovered and taken to hospital. The remaining two crew members died in the accident. Earlier reports said that four people were rescued alive.

The tragedy follows a deadly clash in February between the Taiwanese coastguard and a mainland speedboat that led to two deaths and heightened tensions between Beijing and Taipei.

Taiwanese coastguards worked with their mainland counterparts to rescue six people from the capsized fishing boat from Fujian province. Photo: Reuters

According to Taiwan newspaper United Daily, all six crew members of the Minlongyu 61222 fell into the sea as the vessel sank about 1.1 nautical miles southwest of Quemoy’s Dongding Island – not far from where the February incident occurred.

The report said the Taiwanese coastguard sent four boats to the area after receiving alerts at around 6am of a vessel in distress.

The survivors were sent to hospital while the bodies of their dead crew mates were later found by the mainland coastguard near Dongding. Authorities from the mainland will arrange the return of the bodies to their families, it said.

The boat was registered in Fujian, the coastal province closest to Taiwan, which Beijing regards as part of its territory, to be brought under mainland control, by force if necessary.

Only 2km (1.24 miles) of water separates the two sides of the Taiwan Strait at its closest point.

Southern Metropolis Daily, based in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, said the mainland coastguard deployed rescue boats and helicopters to the boat after reports that it had capsized in big waves.

In the February incident, the Taiwanese coastguard said it pursued the speedboat after it entered the Quemoy archipelago’s “prohibited waters” 1.1 nautical miles east of Beiding Island.

Beijing strongly condemned Taipei over the fatal pursuit and accused the Taiwanese coastguard of using “violent and dangerous methods”, calling for an investigation as well as help for the bereaved families.

Most countries – including the United States, Taipei’s informal ally and top arms supplier – do not recognise Taiwan as an independent state. Washington opposes any attempt to forcibly change the status quo, while Beijing regards the issue as a “red line” that must not be crossed.

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