Maksimenko, what are you doing? “Spartak” conceded from “Napoli” already at the 11th second!

Maksimenko, what are you doing? Spartak conceded from Napoli already at 11 seconds!

Максименко, ты чего?

Killer start to the match in Naples.

Spartak came to visit Napoli at 2 -m round of the group stage of the Europa League. The Italian team was initially considered a clear favorite – under the leadership of the new head coach Luciano Spalletti she exceptionally wins and looks extremely confident. Against the background of the Neapolitans, the unstable Spartak by Rui Vitoria looked much less preferable. But hardly anyone expected such a start.

So, the teams took to the field and listened to the Europa League anthem. “Napoli” played from the center of the field and immediately went ahead. A pair of passes, transfer to the left flank, supply into the penalty area. Alexander Maksimenko came out to intercept, but something went wrong. He failed to catch the ball – instead, the Spartak goalkeeper carefully threw it onto Napoli midfielder Elif Elmas . He did not regret and shot tightly on target. The ball hit Maksimenko and the defenders. 1: 0, 11th second. It is simply impossible to start such a match worse.

The rights to the video belong to the National Sports TV Channel LLC. in the Twitter account of Match TV .

If you suddenly forgot, in the 1st round “Spartak” managed to burn the Warsaw Legia on their field. The Polish team is the least formidable rival in the group. In addition to her and “Napoli”, the red and white will have more meetings with the English “Leicester”. It is not easy to count on reaching the playoffs, but first you need to at least exclude mistakes, like Maksimenko’s. Otherwise, you can fly into some new anti-record.

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