Maluma “sold out” at Madison Square Garden in New York

The global idol of Latin music Maluma achieved “sold out” once again on Friday night at Madison Square Garden.

On this occasion, the artist who in 2018 was became the youngest Colombian artist to sell out at this venue, he welcomed more than 18,000 fans to his Papi Juancho Maluma World Tour concert on a majestic 360º cross-shaped stage. Maluma started the show with his hit “HAWÁI” causing everyone to sing with great euphoria which made the artist moved to tears.

After this emotional moment, the singer regained his breath and full of strength and energy he performed more than 20 songs from his repertoire that includes recent hits from his albums Papi Juancho and # 7DJ, as well as his classic hits such as “Borró Cassette”, “Felices los 4”, “Corazón” and “Blackmail” . In addition, the show featured an acoustic intermission in which the young idol was accompanied only by a piano to interpret “Marinero” and “ADMV”.

Maluma was visibly delighted throughout the show that offered with the heart. His extraordinary ability as a recognized icon in the music and entertainment industry was proof of this, since the artist gave everything during the more than 90 minutes that the concert lasted, with live band, choreography, pyrotechnics, various changes wardrobe and a Maluma who did everything possible to get closer to his audience.

Six maximum resolution LED screens, which form a dimension of 500 square meters when suspended from the ceiling, projecting video content and live and direct concert sequences, rotating to the rhythm of the songs, which give life to the show are part of the Papi Juancho Maluma World Tour, which also travels with 360-degree stereo sound, more than 80 channels of live sound amplification, 20 variable speed motors, 17 closed-circuit cameras, 400 lighting machines, more than 3,000 lighting programming cues, 600 pyrotechnic programs, more than 450 pounds of reel load ra, 11 trucks of fifty-three feet of equipment, 5 tour buses, together with its fixed staff of 90 people and 200 shifts of local support personnel that make it possible for the magic of each show to happen.

The Papi Juancho World Tour through North America after 27 concerts, culminates on October 24 in Chicago, Illinois. Tour tickets are available through and

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