Man (44) appears in court in connection with fatal attack on Gerard Curtin

Gerard Curtin, 42, died following an incident at a property in Sarsfield Avenue, Garryowen in the early hours of Saturday. Photograph: Garda/PA Wire

A 44-year-old Limerick man has appeared in court in connection with the fatal assault of father of two Gerard Curtin in the early hours of Saturday morning.

At a special sitting of Ennis District Court on Sunday evening, Joe Cahill, with an address at Sarsfield Avenue, Garryowen, Limerick, appeared after being charged with intentionally or recklessly causing serious harm to Mr Curtin at the same address on November 4th.

The charge is contrary to section 4 of the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act.

Mr Curtin was discovered unresponsive outside a house in the Garryowen area of the city in the early hours of Saturday morning.

There was a heavy Garda presence, including members of the Armed Support Unit, at Ennis courthouse on Sunday evening for the two-minute court sitting.

In court, Insp Daragh Browne of Henry Street Garda station, Limerick, told Judge Marie Keane that the Garda application was for a remand in custody for Mr Cahill in order to get directions from the Director of Public Prosecutions.

In evidence of arrest, charge and caution, Garda Enda Barrett told the court that he arrested Mr Cahill for the purpose of charge at 0.54am on Sunday morning at Henry Street Garda station, Limerick and charged him at 1.20am.

Garda Barrett said that Mr Cahill made no reply when charged and cautioned.

Solicitor for Mr Cahill Eamonn Dillon said that he had no questions for Garda Barrett on the arrest, charge and caution of his client.

Mr Dillon said that the Garda application for remand in custody was on consent and that he had no application for bail to make at this time. No application was made for legal aid.

The judge remanded Mr Cahill in custody to appear via video link at Limerick District Court on Tuesday, November 7th.

Mr Curtain’s funeral will take place in Limerick on Wednesday.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times

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