Man Charged With High-Range PCA in Tweed Heads West | Mirage News

A man has been charged with high-range drink-driving after being stopped in the state’s north.

About 3.50pm today (Saturday 13 July 2024), officers attached to the Tweed/Byron Highway Patrol were patrolling Lakes Drive, Tweed Heads West, when they stopped a vehicle driving at slow speed.

The driver – and sole occupant – allegedly returned a positive roadside breath test, where he was placed under arrest and taken to Tweed Heads Police Station.

There he underwent breath analysis which returned an alleged reading of 0.314.

The 51-year-old man was issued a court attendance notice for drive with high range PCA, and his license was suspended.

He is due to appear at Tweed Heads Local Court on Monday 12 August 2024.

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