Man who killed Delino Marçal's mother has prison converted into preventive

Homem que matou a mãe do cantor Delino Marçal
Man who killed the mother of singer Delino Marçal

After custody hearing this Saturday , 15, the Justice confirmed and converted into preventive the arrest of the man who beat and

the mother of the singer Delino Marçal, the pastor Odete Rosalina da Costa, 79 years old, with iron rod blows, in the capital of Goiás. The decision is by Judge Leonardo Naciff Bezerra.

“Due to the seriousness of the conduct perpetrated and considering also that the accused committed the illicit act under the influence of some psychotropic substance in the face of an elderly woman, without conditions of defense, and for an apparently futile reason, demonstrates the degree of danger of the custodian with a patent risk to tranquility and peace in the social environment, so that, released, it will pose a risk to public order”, says the magistrate.

Also according to the judge, “positive personal ornaments, such as primary status, good background, correct address and lawful employment, even if proven, do not have the power to guarantee, by themselves, the non-decree and/or revocation of preventive detention”.

Matheus killed the elderly woman with an iron bar this Friday, 14 , in the Assembly of God Church, where Odete was pastor, in Residencial Kátia, southwestern region this one from the capital of Goiás. The woman was the mother of gospel singer Delino Marçal, 35, Latin Grammy Award Winner Best Christian Music Album in Portuguese Language 2019.

The attack happened during the dawn, around 5 am, when the boy invaded the place and attacked the pastor and a faithful, who were praying. In an apparent outbreak, the young man was naked at the time he committed the crime and walked about 7 km to reach the scene.

Cantor Delino Marçal ao lado da mãe, Odete (Foto: Arquivo Pessoal)
Cantor Delino Marçal ao lado da mãe, Odete (Foto: Arquivo Pessoal)


O jovem deve ser ouvido pela polícia no início da semana. Conforme o investigador responsável pelo caso, André Veloso, laudo psiquiátrico de Matheus deverá ser anexado ao inquérito na Delegacia de Investigação de Homicídios (DIH). O objetivo é saber se o crime foi cometido em um contexto de consumo de drogas, de surto psicótico ou os dois.

Após ser preso, Matheus não quis passar seus dados pessoais, não respondeu a nenhuma pergunta do interrogatório e até se negou a vestir roupas, quando chegou para fazer exame no IML. O jovem vai responder por homicídio qualificado por motivo fútil, além de lesão corporal e desacato contra os militares.

Fonte: Metrópoles

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