Manchester United face major concern over top star’s contract – 101 Great Goals

The player in question is Marcus Rashford.

Manchester United won the 2022/23 League Cup, are in the quarter-final of the Europa League and look set to secure a top-four finish in the Premier League.

The main reason for all of this is Marcus Rashford’s superb form.

The Englishman has been especially impressive post-World Cup, netting 27 and assisting nine in 44 ties this campaign.

However, at present, Rashford will have just one year left on his Manchester United contract come the summer. And given his current form, that is bound to attract major interest from some top clubs around Europe.

So, Manchester United are no doubt eager to tie the Englishman down to fresh terms as soon as possible.

But despite April being nearly upon us, The Athletic note that there hasn’t been much movement in terms of the renewal of Rashford’s contract.

“United must now focus on tying one of the best players in Europe to a long-term deal before the threat of losing him rears its head again,’ they wrote.

“There is some way to go. Initial discussions between United and Rashford’s representatives have already been held and more are planned, but there have been no major steps forward.

“Sources on both sides insist these are early days in the process. There is a mutual understanding that this will be the biggest and most important contract of Rashford’s career.”

Given his currently short contract and good form, Rashford will likely be able to negotiate himself a very favourable salary with United heading into the summer.

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