Many contemporary witnesses find it difficult to talk about it

Our people newsletter, which has now been subscribed to more than 255,000 times across Berlin, brings you the latest and background information from your district. The week always starts with us with Lichtenberg and Treptow-Köpenick. You can order our newsletters from these two Berlin districts, like all other district newsletters from Tagesspiegel, free of charge here: .

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Thomas Loy writes from TREPTOW-KÖPENICK:

  • The GDR women’s prison was located at Grünauer Strasse 140 in Köpenick. On October 7th – the birthday of the Republic – “a barrier-free information board” will be attached to the building at 12 noon. Barrier-free because QR codes can be scanned on the board, which lead to short interviews with former inmates of the prison. To be more precise: To two contemporary witnesses. Many women are not, or not yet ready, to talk about this time, says the historian Sandra Czech, who researched the prison on behalf of the Hohenschönhausen Stasi prison memorial. More about this in the newsletter, other topics this time including:
  • ZDF series: Jürgen Vogel is the commissioner from Köpenick
  • Super election service: Who will represent you in the House of Representatives in the future
  • Wrong election results also in the southeast? Electoral office determined
  • New apartments on Nelkenweg: Residents’ protest died down
  • “Unfinished Metropolis”: Large exhibition in the Peter-Behrens-Bau
  • Fourth peace concert in Grünauer Church
  • Putin’s “Black Channel”: RT Deutsch broadcasts from Adlershof

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Pauline Faust writes from LICHTENBERG:

  • SPD City Councilor Hönicke wants left-wing BM Grunst Dispute executive chairs in the district: BVV parliamentary groups negotiate
  • Barbara Mewis from Lichtenberg has been conveying the history of her homeland for more than 20 years
  • The perfect cut: the egg slicer was invented by a Lichtenberger
  • Unnoticed neighbors: How raccoons spread rapidly in Berlin
  • Direct hit: Boxer Achmed Gadaborschev from SV Lichtenberg 47 wins gold at the Olympic Hope Tournament
  • Lichtenberger Projekt Stadtlichter receives European Blue Bear Award
  • Music connoisseur Klaus-Jürgen Böhme introduces “Swing Time”
  • Lichtenberger women price
  • Office hours from the district mayor
  • Reading by garden lover and author Doris Bewernitz

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Especially important in these times: Congratulating loved ones. You can refer to the birthdays of friends, life partners, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, business partners etc. in our newsletters from Lichtenberg and Treptow-Köpenick and of course also in all other local people’s newsletters from Tagesspiegel, or you can congratulate yourself with a few nice words. Write to our authors, whose email addresses you will find in the newsletters.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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