The Masketeers squad is entering the New Year with a birthday celebration for the beloved character Pixie. AppxPlore and iCandy are hosting a massive party for Pixie offering numerous Crystals, Runes, Dust, and new Costume Sets on Masketeers: Idle Has Fallen.

The game’s sweet supporter Pixie may be a tiny creature, who seems unassuming but she sure can throw a mean dagger. To celebrate this occasion, players will receive a massive birthday buff when adding her to the roster during the event. Special anniversary quests will also be active and will reward players with multiple gifts and rewards like a Sacred Chest containing powerful items that will help players beat the inner demons of society to turn the tide in the final war.
As with all the birthday Masketeers, Pixie will also get a new Costume and Visage set as her gift. She will look intimidating but will still maintain her sweet aura when she dons the Elegant Star Visage and the Twilight Robe costume. It includes a brand new mask and feisty costume that will make Pixie feel more powerful than ever.
Masketeers: Idle Has Fallen is Appxplore’s orb-matching idle RPG that puts players up against society’s inner demons. They put on masks that grant them unique powers and abilities that allow them to fight Wraiths whose only goal is to feed off people’s negative emotions. To supplement them, these Masketeers can also equip runes that provide bonuses while pairing them up with guardians, wisps, charms, and fortune creatures that will aid them in battle. Finally, players can chain together Orbs to unleash crazy attacks that will deal massive damage to Wraiths.

It is raining rewards right now on Masketeers: Idle Has Fallen because of Pixie’s birthday. Gather them all by downloading Masketeers: Idle Has Fallen for free on the App Store and Google Play.
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