MasterClass’s Buy 1, Get 1 Free Deal Ends Tonight: Snag the Limited-Time Promo Before It Ends

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MasterClass has extended its annual 2-for-1 Black Friday promo. It was initially mean to end on Nov. 27 but it’s still live on their site, which says the offer “ends soon” so you’ll want to snag it fast (update: MasterClass says the deal will end on Christmas Day).

The deal, which went live last month, offers two Individual Memberships for $10/month, two Duo memberships for $15/month and two Family memberships (which can be used across 6 devices) from $10/month. This means that you can also make use of the gift membership with your own respective device. Or, you can outsmart the system and team up with a family member to split the cost for as low as $5 each per month.

An annual subscription to MasterClass normally costs $120 and gets you unlimited access to 90+ courses on the site, with topics ranging from screenwriting to acting to directing. Celebrity instructors on MasterClass include the Martin Scorsese on filmmaking, Spike Lee teaching directing, and David Lynch leading a series on “creativity in film.” Other actors on the site include Jodie Foster, Steve Martin and Judd Apatow. The site also has a range of courses spanning music (such as two new classes with Ringo Starr and John Legend), cooking and current events, taught by notables like Malala Yousafzai, Dr. Cornel West, Bill Nye and even singing lessons with Mariah Carey.

MasterClass courses are offered in easy-to-digest video format, with members able to watch the videos on their own timing and at their own pace. Stream the videos on a computer, or via your mobile device using the MasterClass app (iOS and Android). Many of the classes come with downloadable course materials too, if you want to take your reading off-line.

It’s been a busy past few years for MasterClass, who saw subscriptions increase at the onset of the pandemic. Last May, the online education platform raised $100 million in new funding, bringing the current valuation of the company to more than $800 million. Since then, they’ve unveiled dozens of new courses, including a “White House” series with former President Bill Clinton, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former President George W. Bush.

The goal for the company now is to expand its subscriber base, which is something their frequent deals and promos should be able to do. The Black Friday deal, which is live now, gets users instant access to the company’s entire course catalog, with no limit into what courses you take and how often you take them.

Snag MasterClass’s Black Friday deal below:

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