, Jakarta Sad news came from Matt White , child actor who starred in the movie Danur, he is known to have faced the Almighty. This sad news was conveyed by her co-star, Prilly Latuconsina, in her latest upload Instagram .
From her upload, Prilly did not mention the cause of the boy’s death. But he gave an implied hint, that the deceased was no longer suffering from pain.
“Dear Matthew, good boy, smart boy, sweet boy. now you are not sick again, honey, you must be happy in heaven!” wrote Prilly Latuconsina in Monday’s upload (24/1/2022)
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Senior PDI-P politician Sabam Sirait passed away Wednesday (29/9) night . The deceased breathed his last after being treated intensively at the Siloam Karawaci Hospital.
Gone So Fast
Mattwhite, ghost actor in the movie ‘DANUR’ died. (Source: Instagram/official.mattwhite)
In this old video upload between Matt and Prilly, the actress asks for prayers for the deceased. “Ask Al-Fatihah for Matt, all of you friends ❤️” he wrote.
Hendrick’s character
Matt White is Hendrick’s character in the Danur film. He is one of Rissa’s invisible friends, the character played by Prilly Latuconsina.
Risa’s Grief Risa Saraswati’s post regarding the death of Matt White. (Instagram/ risa_saraswati)
Not only Prilly Latuconsina, the people involved in the film Danur also express their deep condolences. Risa Saraswati, whose writing is the foundation of this film, conveys unforgettable memories about Matt White.
“Among these singing children, there is one child who is always smiling. , seemed quiet, but very friendly to everyone. His name was Matthew, and today the good boy has passed away for good,” he wrote.
Mas Matt…
Risa’s upload has received many responses from a number of Indonesian celebrities. Irfan Hakim, for example, displays a crying emoticon.
Awi Suryadi, the director of Danur, also commented, “😢😭 Mas Matt… RIP 🙏”
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