Matz stands out and Blue Jays are still alive in wild-card fight

TORONTO (AP) – Steven Matz worked seven solid innings to earn his fifth straight decision, and the Toronto Blue Jays kept their hopes of advancing to the playoffs alive by beating the Orioles 6-4 on Friday night. Baltimore.

Danny Jansen homered and produced the run for Toronto, which got a scare with four touchdowns in the eighth inning. But closer Jordan Romano limited the damage by taking the last five outs for his 23rd save in 24 chances.

Toronto (89-71) entered the engagement one game behind Boston and Seattle. Those two teams were tied in the bid for the second wild-card spot to the postseason, two games behind the Yankees, who have the first run.

Jansen hit a two-run homer off Thomas Eshelman (0-3) in the third act, to reach 10 homers. Corey Dickerson added a solo club to Brooks Kriske during Toronto’s four-run cluster in the sixth.

The Blue Jays lead the majors with 253 home runs on the season, four less than the club’s record , established in 2010.

Matz (14-7) allowed two runs and six hits. He walked and struck out five in his longest outing of the season.

For the Orioles, Dominicans Pedro Severino 3-1, Kelvin Gutiérrez 4-1 with a run scored and an RBI .

For the Blue Jays, the Dominicans Vladimir Guerrero 4-0, Teoscar Hernández 3-0, Santiago Espinal 3-2 with two runs scored.

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