McDonald’s worker leaves people fuming after explaining how the drive-thru works

We’ve all been in a situation where you want absolutely nothing more than a McDonald’s.

Be that when deathly hungover, or just in the mood for a Friday night feast, there is nothing better than pulling up to the iconic restaurant’s drive-thru.

But, while venturing through the McDonald’s drive-thru is undoubtedly a luxury that many of us could never live without, it’s fair to say we’ll never be able to whizz round for a cheeky McFlurry in the same way ever again.

That’s because one McDonald’s worker has lifted the lid on a number of drive-thru secrets we were blissfully unaware of, from hidden cameras, to our private conversations.

Taking to TikTok, @secretfitzz, revealed that while we’re sitting there with last night’s make-up on, stewing in our hungover filth, the Maccies drive-thru is actually taking secret snapshots of our unsuspecting mugs. And, not only that, they’re listening to our conversations too.

“The fact people don’t know we can hear your convos even when we aren’t speaking to you taking your order,” the TikToker explained.

“And we have a camera at the speaker that takes a picture of you so we know whose order is whose.”

She added: “Seeing the mugshots of random people makes my day.”

Well, this is not what we wanted to hear

Well, this is not what we wanted to hear

Perhaps unsurprisingly, many people were left feeling panicked at the prospect of their monstrous mugshots and secret conversations being readily available to McDonald’s employees.

“If this is true, I’m never going again,” one TikToker commented, while another added: “New fear unlocked: Drive-thrus.”

Meanwhile, a third joked: “How can you hear my convo when you can’t hear me screaming into the mic from 5cm away?”

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