MediaTek revela novos chips Wi-Fi 6 / 6e Filogic 830 e Filogic

And now the company has added one more to the list as MediaTek has introduced the ‎‎Filogic connectivity family‎‎ with Filogic 830 Wi-Fi 6/6E system-on-chip (SoC) solutions and Filogic 630 Wi-Fi 6E network interface card (NIC).

‎The growth trajectory of ‎‎MediaTek‎ ‎has grown in the last two years as the brand has been able to capture a large part of the market with its powerful SoCs. And now the company has added one more to the list, as MediaTek introduced the ‎‎Filogic family of connectivity‎‎ with Filogic 830 Wi-Fi 6/6E system-on-chip solutions (SoC) and Filogic 630 Wi-Fi 6E network interface card (NIC). These highly integrated and energy efficient chips offer high computing power, reliable connectivity and a multitude of features altogether.‎

‎MediaTek revela novos chips Wi-Fi 6/6e Filogic 830 e Filogic‎ 1‎MediaTek revela novos chips Wi-Fi 6/6e Filogic 830 e Filogic‎ 1

‎These new chipsets provide best-in-class features with highly integrated designs for the next generation of premium bandwidth Wi-Fi solutions retail, enterprise and retail stores.”, said Alan Hsu, corporate vice president & manager general Smart Connectivity from MediaTek. He continues to add: “The series MediaTek Filogic ushers in a new era of smart Wi-Fi solutions with extreme speeds, low latency and excellent energy efficiency for seamless, always-on experiences “.

‎MediaTek Filogic 830‎


Filogic 830 is based on 12nm architecture and has many features in a compact and ultra-low power consumption chipset that allows users to design differentiated solutions for routers, access points and mesh systems. The SoC houses four Arm Cortex-A53 processors clocked at up to 2GHz per core for up to +18,000 DMIPs of processing power, dual 4×4 Wi-Fi 6/6E for up to 6Gbps connectivity, two 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces, and a series of peripheral interfaces. The Filogic 830 built-in hardware acceleration motors for wi-fi and network offload allow faster and more reliable connectivity. There is also a provision for low latency applications, including games and AR/VR with the presence of MediaTek FastPath™.‎

‎MediaTek revela novos chips Wi-Fi 6/6e Filogic 830 e Filogic‎ 1‎MediaTek revela novos chips Wi-Fi 6/6e Filogic 830 e Filogic‎ 2‎MediaTek revela novos chips Wi-Fi 6/6e Filogic 830 e Filogic‎ 1

‎MediaTek Filogic 630‎

‎O Filogic 630 is a Wi-Fi 6/6E NIC solution with dual, dual×2 2.4GHz and 3×3 5GHz or 6GHz support for dual band support up to 3Gbps. The chipset packs a unique 3T3R 5/6GHz system with built-in front-end modules (FEMs). There is additional superiority in diversity gains and beam transmission capabilities with the help of Filogic’s third 630 antenna. Filogic 630

can be coupled with Filogic 830 for solutions of three-band connectivity for broadband gateways, corporate access points and indeed for higher speeds and bandwidths, can also be combined with routers.‎

‎Being the largest provider of Wi-Fi portfolios, MediaTek enjoys its #1 position in the domain Wi-Fi. It has a broadband market, retail routers, consumer electronic devices and games. And it is the result of consistent developments and improvements in recent years with experts and technology industry leaders.‎

‎Lower latency and capacity surcharge and speed are the USP of Wi-Fi 6E. Devices that draw connectivity from Wi-Fi 6 connections at 6GHz are designed to make use of 160 MHz wide channels and unconserved bandwidth at 6GHz to provide multi-gigabit Wi-Fi, low latency.‎

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Avatar of Bruno Xarope‎MediaTek revela novos chips Wi-Fi 6/6e Filogic 830 e Filogic‎ 1

Graduated in Informatics / Multimedia I have been working for 10 years in Logistics in the Automotive Branch. I have a passion for New Technologies, I grew up with computers and technologies always present, I watched the evolution until today and I continue to absorb as much information as possible. I am a Tech Junkie. Addicted to Smartphones and of course

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