Meet Moon Knight, a Marvel hero who will win a series on Disney Plus

One of the most beloved heroes of Marvel in the comics, the Knight of the Moon will win a series to call his own. After a lot of mystery, the production of Disney+ will win its first trailer this Monday (17) .

The preview will introduce the protagonist Marc Spector (Oscar Isaac). Called by many “Marvel’s Batman”, the character has one of the richest and most confusing trajectories in the comics, so we’ve gathered below everything you need to know about the new vigilante of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Moon Knight made his debut as Werewolf villain in the classic magazine Werewolf By Night . In a two-part story he is introduced as Mark Spector, a mercenary hired to hunt the creature for the evil organization known as the Committee. To ensure the combatant’s triumph, the villains gave him a white costume like the moon and with paraphernalia made of silver, metal capable of injuring the lycanthrope. It turns out that during the hunt, Mark realizes that the Werewolf is actually the victim in the situation and helps the monster defeat the Committee.

The curious thing about this first story, created by Doug Moench, Don Perlin and Al Milgrom, is that Spector was little interested in being a vigilante. In addition to wearing a third-party outfit, he goes so far as to say that Moon Knight is a “stupid name”. However, the character’s popularity among readers and comics made him return to the Marvel Universe more often.

Werewolf Cape By Night #32, Moon Knight’s debut comic

The character returned in a short adventure in issues 28 and 29 of Marvel Spotlight magazine, a title used by the publisher to introduce characters to the public before giving them their own magazines, as happened with Ghost Rider, Spider-Woman and the Werewolf himself. This story first brought up the concept that Marc (now with C) Spector uses different identities as a disguise to fight crime, being billionaire businessman Steven Grant and taxi driver Jake Lockley.

After brief appearances in Spider-Man, Hulk and Defenders comics, where he gained more heroic and less villainous contours. After five years as a supporting actor, Moon Knight won a magazine to call his own in 1980. With the return of Moench and the arrival of legendary artist Bill Sienkiewicz, Moon Knight promoted a real update in the character’s trajectory in its first edition.

Moon Knight Cover #1


The first number tells that Marc Spector was part of Bushman’s gang, a ruthless criminal who invaded an ancient pharaoh’s tomb in search of of treasures. There, the boss kills innocents, which makes Spector turn against him for not accepting taking lives for nothing. After a fierce fight, the protagonist takes the worst and is on the verge of death.

Days after wandering through the desert, he ends up arriving at the tomb of Khonshu, an Egyptian god of Lua known as “executor of revenge”. There he dies and is resurrected by the entity itself, which gives him the mission to punish evildoers. After taking revenge on Bushman and his men, he brings this mission to the streets of Manhattan, where he begins to act as the mystical Moon Knight with the help of the French mercenary and Marlene Alraune, daughter of the archaeologist murdered by Bushman after discovering the tomb.

Moon Knight’s multiple personalities

Since he got his own magazine, Knight of the Moon continues to gain more space and complexity within of the Marvel Universe. Over time, it was established that Steven Grant and Jake Lockley were not just disguises, but different identities of Marc Spector. character identity dissociative has been changed and fixed on different occasions. In the phase written by Jeff Lemire with art by Greg Smallwood, it was defined that the two personalities emerged while Marc was still a child . Initially presented as imaginary friends, over time they began to take control and act in the young man’s place.

Over time, other personalities were added, the main one being the Mr. Moon, who even collaborates with the NYPD – who acts like he’s not Moon Knight, turning a blind eye to the fact that he’s a masked vigilante wanted for different crimes.

Personalities of Moon Knight fight at the feet of Khonshu

How will it be in the MCU?

The combination of different personalities and connection with Egyptian deities gave Moon Knight a sea of ​​possibilities that were used in different ways in the comics. There are phases where he gains powers overnight, while in others he can rely only on his skills and technological gadgets. Sometimes the disorder damages your sanity, at other times it is a weapon against crime.

Therefore, it is difficult to predict with complete certainty the tone that the Disney+ series should take. to take. On the other hand, the character has become very versatile by easily fitting into different cores of the Marvel Universe. His origins as a vigilante create connections with the publisher’s urban core, while the connection with Khonshu leaves him free to transit the horror part – not to mention that he has collaborated with different versions of the Avengers.

To find out how the hero will fit into the MCU, it remains to wait for the production debut. With no premiere date set, the series will be directed by the Egyptian Mohamed Diab (Cairo 678 ), Oscar Isaac in the lead role and Ethan Hawke (Training Day ) and Gaspard Ulliel (Hannibal, the Origin of Evil ) as antagonists.

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