Mercure strengthens its presence in Romania

1 min reading time

Published on 09/11/23, Updated on 0 hours ago

Mercure Sibiu Arsenal

Accor has just open Mercure Sibiu Arsenal, the latest addition of the brand in Romania. A new property that underlines the desire of the group to expand its footprint in Eastern Europe.

Mercure Sibiu Arsenal features 121 rooms, 81 twin rooms, 30 Superior rooms, 2 accessible rooms, 5 Privilege rooms and 3 suites, that meet all the expectations of guests travelling for leisure as well as for business.

Situated across the street from Sub Arini, the city’s most endeared park, the hotel offers a restaurant, Winestone, a tranquil indoor pool, a fitness centre, a parking, a ballroom, 4 conference rooms and a foyer.

Less known than Bucarest, Sibiu benefits from a rich history and unique architecture thanks to its medieval heritage, and a vibrant cultural scene, with for example the renowned Sibiu International Theatre Festival.

The new Mercure Sibiu Arsenal will operate under a management agreement, for 10 years, between leading hospitality group Accor and the local investor Compa S.A. Sibiu.



Drapeau de la Roumanie

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