Merkel says next government will be launched sooner than before

The center-left Social Democratic Party (SPD)-led ‘traffic lights’ (SPD-Red, LDP-Yellow, Green-Green) coalition negotiations are expected to accelerate next week. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the new coalition government would be launched sooner than the grand coalition four years ago.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel takes off a mask during a joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi in Rome, Italy, on the 7th (local time). (Photo=AFP)

According to Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) on the 8th (local time), the Social Democratic Party and the climate The Green Party and the business-friendly Liberal Democratic Party (FDP) with the banner of responding to change decided to start negotiations for the formation of a traffic light coalition government next week. They will meet on the 11th, 12th, and 15th to negotiate. The Social Democratic Party expects to be able to settle accounts by the end of next week. As a result of the first negotiations held in Berlin on the morning of the previous day, the three parties are said to have succeeded in building trust and consensus for forming a coalition.

Chancellor Merkel predicted that the formation of the next coalition would speed up. “I am confident that the coalition will be formed sooner than in the 2017 general election,” he said. After the general election in September when Merkel was elected Chancellor, negotiations for the ‘Jamaica (CDP-Black, LDP-Yellow, Green Party-Green)’ coalition led by the centre-right Christian Democratic Party (CDU) and Christian Socialist Party (CSU), to which she belongs, have been suspended. In March of the following year, the next coalition government was launched.

Meanwhile, Armin Rashette, the candidate for Prime Minister and leader of the CDU, who said that he would lead the formation of a coalition even though the Social Democratic Party won the general election, hinted at the possibility of resigning as the party leader. did. He has announced that he will make a proposal for a personnel renewal from the top management to the central party within the next week. While still insisting that the Jamaican coalition would be better for Germany than a traffic light coalition, Rachet said, “If the coalition negotiations can work out better with someone else, I will gladly do so.”

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