Message from HDP to CHP after Kılıçdaroğlu's so-called “Kurdish problem” allegations: We are ready to do it completely


CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu stated last week that there is a ‘Kurdish problem’ in Turkey and pointed to HDP as a solution to this issue. )

HDP deputy İmam Taşçıer Kılıçdaroğlu said, “We need a legitimate body to solve the Kurdish problem. The institution you call the state is working with an illegitimate body. Who is the legitimate body? We can see the HDP as a legitimate body. Therefore, if this problem is to be resolved, we can also solve this problem with a legitimate body; I was of this opinion”.

In the photo: HDP Diyarbakır Deputy İmam Taşçıer

Taşçıer stated that a correct discussion should be created for the solution of the ‘Kurdish problem’.


Emphasizing that Kılıçdaroğlu should explain his project for a solution, HDP’s Taşçıer said, “If the first four, 40 and 41 articles of the Constitution are not amended, if the reservations in some laws are not removed, the Kurdish issue cannot be discussed. The demands of the Kurds are also clear.”

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A message from HDP to CHP after Kılıçdaroğlu’s so-called “Kurdish problem” allegations: We are ready to do it completely

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