1. mercato

Antoine Clérat 05/10/2021 22:33 | UPDATED ON 10/05/2021 AT 5:43 PM

An Argentine ex-star believes that Lionel Messi has nothing more to climb to the highest level.

At 34, Lionel Messi continues to show his qualities every week and compete for the biggest trophies. However, during his career, he has already won everything, both individually and collectively. And, many believe that he could end his career today, no one will be able to challenge him the status of one of the greatest players in the world, if not the largest


Messi “got rid of a burden”

Among those who share this opinion there is Dario Felman, the former great striker for Boca Juniors and Valencia. “Even if he has just won the Copa América with Argentina, he has nothing to prove to anyone because he is the player with the most titles in football history, he told TribalFootball .com. Like Maradona, this time around Messi felt the responsibility of winning the Copa America for his country… a passionate country. I think Messi took advantage of his 40 days in South America and got rid of the burden that was on his shoulders. ”

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Kylian Mbappé hands over Lionel Messi in his place
