Messi lost in Paris

Argentine football star Lionel Messi said in an interview with France Football magazine that the transfer to the French club Paris Saint-Germain was not a mistake. However, the 34-year-old Argentine admitted that he still feels a bit lost in the city. Messi had to leave Barcelona after 21 years after the latter could no longer afford the Argentine due to financial difficulties. The path led Messi to PSG, where he joined forces with Brazilian Neymar and French Kylian Mbappé .

“I don’t see the transfer to PSG as a mistake,” the 34-year-old said in an interview. Former teammates and colleagues from the national team help him adjust. He also got along very well with Mbappé, who is otherwise flirting with a transfer to Real Madrid. “It’s really easy to find a common language with such an exceptional player,” said the short Argentine, who, at least at the beginning of his football career, did not do well in France. He scored just one goal in five games in his victory against Manchester City in the group stage of the Champions League.

He also has problems adjusting to Paris. “I have to admit that I still feel a bit lost in France and Paris. I need to get to know the city better so that everything will be more homely to me, “admitted Messi, who still lives in the hotel with his wife and three children.
He also spoke about his family and the belief that he will be able to end his career in Barcelona. “Family is better at adapting than I am. I thought that everything was arranged and that only my signature on the contract was missing. It was clear to me and my family that I would end my career in Barcelona, ​​”Messi once again admitted.

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