Mexico, close to five times the “catastrophic scenario” due to Covid de López-Gatell

Almost two years after the first case of Covid-19 in Mexico , the country is a few deaths from reaching 300 thousand official deaths from the disease.

Although at first, in the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic, the Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell , reported that in a catastrophic scenario A maximum of 60 thousand deaths was expected , this figure is hours or days away from being fivefold.

It was just over 20 months that passed from March 18, 2020, when the first death from the disease was registered in the country, until this January Mexico exceeds, by far, the “catastrophic” threshold set by the Undersecretary of Health.

“The minimum was six thousand (estimated deaths), another scenario was eight thousand, another was 12 thousand 500, which we presented at a press conference on February 27 , there in Liège, in the Ministry of Health, and thus we had up to 28 thousand, which is rounded to 30 thousand, even a very catastrophic scenario that could reach 60 thousand ”, he said in June 2020, when he was still carrying out his daily conference on the situation of the pandemic in the country.

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However, in August of that same year, in the midst of the first wave of Covid-19, López-Gatell’s projection was exceeded and the undersecretary justified the ruling by ensuring that this would have been only a prediction, the which was affected by the comorbidities associated with poor nutrition, social inequality and the care taken by Mexicans against the disease.

Mexico exceeds 100,000 deaths from Covid-19

Little time passed for the 100,000 deaths to be exceeded in November and the strategy against coronavirus was harshly criticized by opposition politicians, who repeatedly requested the resignation of the official.

However, before the end of 2020, the national vaccination campaign began, with the aim of stopping the growing number of deaths from the disease.

Health workers and later the elderly were the first to access an antidote, a strategy that helped alleviate the second wave of Covid-19 that spread the first months of the year.

Being the most lethal wave that Mexico went through, it did not end until after the country exceeded 200 thousand deaths in March 2021.

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Third and fourth wave of Covid-19 in Mexico

In June 2021, Undersecretary López-Gatell announced that he would stop giving his evening lecture on the situation of the pandemic in the country, the The reason, he said, was that Mexico was showing a frank recovery with respect to Covid-19, in part due to the vaccination strategy, which helped reduce the mortality rate which, although today it is one of the highest in the world, stands at 7.4% .

This, according to the authorities, prevented the hospitals from being saturated and with it the deaths from growing.

The undersecretary’s decision, however, came a few weeks before the country was engulfed in the third wave of Covid-19 that, without confinement, more vaccines and more urgency in the economic sphere, presented an exponential rise in infections, although deaths were more controlled.

Situation that remained this way until the beginning of December, when, together with the influenza season and the new variant of the disease, known as omicrón, the demand for tests quick to identify contagions grew.

In this way, in recent days have been presented long lines in laboratories that perform PCR and antigen tests , where people seek to rule out a possible positive case of Covid-19.

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Also, the recent Tuesday was registered 14 thousand infections in a single day , A figure that had not been seen since October and that helped Mexico reach four million total infections, warning of a fourth wave.

Thus, despite the figures, President López Obrador has tried to calm the population by ensuring that the new variant of Covid is more contagious, but not more deadly, This is why, although positive cases have increased in the country, the data do not indicate higher deaths, in part, he says, due to vaccination.

However, during his morning conferences, he invited the population to continue taking care of themselves against the virus, in addition, this Friday he announced that, added to the vaccines committed to the pharmaceutical companies , the Mexican government is pending to approve two oral medications to combat the disease.


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