MHE: “We will be the most competitive automotive industry in the world before 2025”

Nothing stops him. With the new objectives of the Renault ecosystem in Morocco, the Minister of Industry wants to dethrone India and China and ensures that the Kingdom spares no effort to obtain the status of the most competitive automotive industry in the world.

Morocco is moving up a gear in the automobile industry. It is now aiming for the best global automotive competitiveness. Bolstered by a new agreement with Groupe Renault setting more ambitious objectives (, Moulay Hafid Elalamy, Minister of Industry, Trade and the Green and Digital Economy, announced the new ambitions of the Morocco in a most convincing tone. “I am telling you that we will be at the level of the best global competitiveness before 2025. Today, it is China and India which are ahead of us. We are going to work hard and put all the energies and all the means so that our partners are the best ”, declared the minister during the signing ceremony of the new roadmap with the French group, organized on the 27th. last July at the Somaca factory in Casablanca.
And it must be recognized that Renault’s new objectives in Morocco are, to say the least, “revolutionary” . Indeed, the new roadmap for the development of the French group’s ecosystem over the 2021-2030 period brings the local sourcing target to 2.5 billion euros from 2025 (compared to 1.5 billion euros in 2023 previously announced) and targets 3 billion euros over time. The Group is also committed to raising its local integration rate to 80% over time (compared to 65% in 2023).

“These are revolutionary objectives . All these agreements lead us to a new stage in the national automotive industry, that of electric vehicles and even more complex processes. The vehicles leaving Moroccan factories are state-of-the-art, at the best cost and at the highest level of international competitiveness, ”Elalamy said. For Lucas De Meo, CEO of Renault Group, these new agreements lay the foundations for sustainable competitiveness and place the Moroccan automotive industry at a higher level. “For more than 10 years, Renault’s ecosystem has been developing based on its two pillars, the factories in Casablanca and Tangier. It now makes it possible to position Morocco as a world benchmark in the automotive industry and an attractive destination with high added value, ”said the boss of Renault. For him, it is time for this industry to integrate more technology and raise the level of its skills in order to further develop its horizons.

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