Michael Page def. Douglas Lima at Bellator 267: Best photos

Check out these photos from the main event of Bellator 267, which took place at the SSE Arena in London, England on Oct. 1. Michael Page rematched Douglas Lima in a three-round contest, winning by split decision. (Photos courtesy of Bellator MMA)

Michael Page Bellator 267

Douglas Lima Bellator 267

Michael Page vs Douglas Lima Bellator 267 (6)

Michael Page vs Douglas Lima Bellator 267 (8)

Michael Page vs Douglas Lima Bellator 267

Michael Page vs Douglas Lima Bellator 267 (5)

Michael Page vs Douglas Lima Bellator 267 (9)

Michael Page vs Douglas Lima Bellator 267 (3)

Michael Page vs Douglas Lima Bellator 267 (2)

Michael Page vs Douglas Lima Bellator 267 (4)

Michael Page vs Douglas Lima Bellator 267 (7)

Michael Page Bellator 267 (2)

Michael Page Bellator 267 (3)

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