Microsoft buys Candy Crush

Microsoft has recently announced that it will buy Candy Crush, the most popular video game in the world.

US technology company Microsoft has announced that it will buy gaming company Activation Blizzard for .7 68.7 billion, following a call of duty and Access to blockbuster games like Candy Crush will be possible.

Microsoft, the maker of the Xbox gaming system, announced the purchase of Activision on Tuesday .

On the other hand, the gaming company is facing allegations of abuse of employees and unequal pay.

Microsoft chief Satya Nadella He also said in the conference call that the culture of the organization is in them Is a top priority for Activision Blizzard and it’s important for Blizzard to keep its promises and improve the company’s culture.

Gaming company Activision revealed last year that The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is investigating allegations of discrimination against the company.

Focus on strengthening culture and accelerating business growth.


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