Microsoft Edge just got a new technology!

When we talk about a variable refresh rate we usually think of smartphones and smartwatches. However, Microsoft also wants to bring this technology to computers. In fact, it has already done so in Windows 10 and Windows 11. However, now it’s time for the well-known Microsoft Edge to gain support for this technology and it’s really worth it. This way the user experience is much better.

Thanks to this new feature, the browser now allows us to increase the refresh rate when we are scrolling through the pages and reduce it when we read an email or a blog post. The user experience is really different and we also gain more autonomy.

Microsoft Edge tecnologia

The user Leo Varela realized that this new feature is already being tested in the Canary version of Edge, which is currently in version 99. However, we need to activate the “Boost screen refresh rate when scrolling” flag.

However, it is also necessary that our monitor supports this technology and that the appropriate driver is installed. In any case, the latest laptops already support this function.

But this is not the only news that is coming!

Microsoft is working on a new version of the password manager built into Edge. That said, we will now have support for an option that allows you to add passwords manually. I remind you that at this moment, if we want to save passwords in Edge, we have to visit a new site, write the password and then add it to the browser when requested.

With the next update to the Edge password manager, we are going to add passwords manually. So we don’t need to visit new sites or import passwords from another browser.

This function arrived for the first time in Chrome Canary and Microsoft’s bet seems to be based on the work carried out by engineers at Google. The new tool is now available on Microsoft Edge Canary and can be activated from passwords> Save passwords as the site says Windows Latest.

Microsoft Edge tecnologia

As we can see in the image above, we now have a new ‘Add password’ button next to the password box. It is not yet known when this function will reach users. We’re still waiting for that for the next big Edge update.


Bruno Fonseca

Founder of Leak, he debuted online in 1999 when he created He took his first steps into the world of technology with the Spectrum 48K and never let go of computers. He is addicted to cell phones, tablets and gadgets.

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