Microsoft wants to be inspired by Windows Vista! to improve Windows 11

Windows 11 will continue to be updated and in order to implement improvements it will recover some aspects of previous systems.

Windows Vista was an operating system that was launched in 2007 and of which a somewhat tepid memory is kept . This version is not among the best of the company, which does not mean that it had some aspects that are still interesting today, or at least that is what Microsoft thinks.

14 years later Windows 11 came into our lives, or only those of computers that have met the requirements , which did not have been all. In case you haven’t made the leap yet, we’ve posted some manuals to help you through a transition that isn’t too complicated.

This operating system is very powerful and has its highlights, but as is often the case with Microsoft, will continue to be updated and it is going to collect technology from that old acquaintance that is Windows Vista .

It may be strange that you looked at an operating system that in 2017 was taking its last steps , but Windows Latest publishes that it will go back in some details.

One of those changes will be remove the Windows file search function which also allowed oneDrive to be searched. The reason is that it slows down the application and there are few users who have so many files in the cloud that it is worth adding it to all the computers.

The problem is that Windows Explorer works slightly slower due to this addition, but it is not ruled out that is looking for an alternative for users who need it.

In addition, the recovery of gadgets such as Windows Vista that could be docked on the desktop. An option that was not very interesting at the time and we do not know how it will work today, although they will now be baptized as widgets, at the same as in macOS .

In summary, two new features that are not so much will be added to Windows 11 shortly, but they will not be the only ones: the system will continue to receive updates periodically.

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