Milik sends a message to Juventus over his future

Arkadiusz Milik is one of several players whose future remains uncertain at the Allianz Stadium as Juventus begins a new era.

He signed for the club until 2026 when Max Allegri was the manager, but now that Allegri has been removed and set to be replaced, Milik has to fight for his future.

Thiago Motta is the favourite to become the next Juventus manager, and he will examine all the players to decide which ones fit into his plans.

Milik is one of the Juve stars tipped to leave the club if an offer arrives, even if Motta has not yet been named the manager.

The striker has been a reliable backup to Dusan Vlahovic and is the most experienced of all the goalscorers at the club, but that might not be enough to save his Juve career.

However, Milik wants to stay, and a report on Tuttomercatoweb claims he has informed the Bianconeri of his desire to remain at the Allianz Stadium and fight for a place under the next manager.

Juve FC Says

Milik is a very experienced player, and we probably need his experience in our team under the next gaffer.

However, the incoming coach has to decide if he would be useful to his system or not.

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