Minister Karaismailoğlu: Those working in Ankara Municipality should see and take an example.

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Adil Karaismailoğlu said, “Ankara is very precious to us. A Supreme Court befitting Ankara We needed a building and a crossroad that suits it. We finished the intersection that suits him in 4 months. The employees of Ankara Municipality should see a little and take an example. They don’t head there, they head for other things. They can share them on social media, that’s what they do well,” he said.

Release: 00:43 – 08 January 2022 Updated:

00:44 – 08 January 2022

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Adil Karaismailoğlu will last 3 days in a hotel in Belek Tourism Center in Antalya’s Serik district. AKP Ankara Consultation T attended the meeting. AKP deputies, AKP Ankara Provincial Chairman Hakan Han Özcan, party executives and many party members attended the meeting. CHANNEL ISTANBUL EXPLANATION

Minister Karaismailoğlu, who said that it is necessary to be prepared for the increasing trade volume in the developing world, said: with Europe China has an annual trade volume of 710 billion dollars. We have plans to get a share from here. Developing and changing Africa is the apple of the eye of the whole world. The new corridors that will be formed on the existing corridors are very important. 90 percent of the trade is transported by sea.

12 billion tons world trade volume is expected to reach 25 billion tons in 230. We need to be prepared for this move. When the Montreux Straits Convention was signed, 3 thousand ships were passing through Istanbul, it is expected that 78 thousand ships will pass in 2050. Neither Marmara nor Istanbul can handle this. Kanal Istanbul is an alternative waterway that was born entirely out of this need.

“SHOULD TURN OFF AND REMEMBER”Bakan Karaismailoğlu: Biraz görüp örnek alsınlar Ankara Belediyesi’nde çalışanlar Speaking about build-operate-transfer projects, Minister Karaismailoğlu used the following statements:

The duration of the operator is 20 years, but these projects are years old. They will serve Turkey. In 2002, there were only Bosphorus Bridge and Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge in Istanbul.

On top of it, Marmaray, Eurasia Tunnel, Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge has arrived. What would have happened if this had not been done? In fact, what would have happened if one day we had to close them and remind them. If it wasn’t, it would be a locked Istanbul.“HEAD DOESN’T WAIT THERE”Bakan Karaismailoğlu: Biraz görüp örnek alsınlar Ankara Belediyesi’nde çalışanlar Explaining the investments made in Ankara, Minister Karaismailoğlu said, “Ankara is very valuable to us. A Supreme Court building worthy of Ankara and an intersection worthy of it were needed. We finished the intersection that suits him in 4 months. Those working in Ankara Municipality should see and take an example. Their heads are not pressing there, they are pressing other things. They can share them on social media, that’s what they do well,” he said. DHA

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