Minister Moscow: Poland submitted an application to the European Commission to reform the ETS

2022-01-03 18: 43

2022-01-03 18:43

Minister Moskwa: Polska złożyła do KE wniosek o reformę systemu ETS
Minister Moskwa: Polska złożyła do KE wniosek o reformę systemu ETS

photo. Adam Chełstowski / / FORUM

Poland has submitted an application to the European Commission for a comprehensive reform of the carbon dioxide emissions trading system in the ETS – according to Monday’s statement by Minister of Climate and Environment Anna Moskwa.

“Of course, a comprehensive reform of emission allowances (it is needed – PAP). We have submitted a proposal for such a comprehensive reform. The first action that the European Commission should take is the withdrawal of financial entities from the allowances market. emissions, “said Moscow.

She added that emission allowances can be traded on speculative platforms, such as bitcoin. In her opinion, this is not conducive to a just transformation.

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“We criticize speculation, access by financial institutions, low transparency of this fund and the fact that every European institution is helpless, because when we look at the control mechanism, it is never possible to capture such an increase in the ECJ that the European Commission or another European institution could intervene. positive image of transformation in societies “- emphasized the head of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

ETS emissions. She emphasized that Poland also allocates domestic funds for the energy transformation.

When asked what is happening with the money from the sale of CO2 emission allowances, the climate minister replied: that the government is not hiding anything about it. She called not to enter into the narrative that Poland is “an incredible beneficiary of the ETS system”. She pointed out that our country contributes funds for the climate and energy transformation from domestic funds and has been allocating money for this for years under such programs as “Clean Air” or “My Electricity”, as well as co-financing the thermal modernization of buildings.

“Energy transformation is our priority. We criticize the ECJ not because we criticize the need for transformation, but we criticize the way this fund is managed,” Moscow said.

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Source: PAP
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