Minister of Culture highlights the Peruvian and inclusive character of Diablada Puneña

The Minister of Culture, Ciro Gálvez, highlighted the value of the Diablada Puneña for the national identity and highlighted its Peruvian and inclusive character, in the act of delivery of the resolution that declares this dance as Cultural Heritage to the regional governor of Puno, Agustín Luque, and the provincial mayor of Puno, Martín Ticona.

“I comply with delivering this resolution that reaffirms the feeling of Peruvianity in this area of ​​the extreme south, border area. It is very important to understand that the Diablada Puneña is from Peru, because Puno is Peru, “said the minister, at the conclusion of the ceremony held in the Convention Hall of the National University of the Altiplano.

He indicated that Diablada Puneña expresses the exuberance, splendor and waste of the festive feeling of the Puno citizen and has become the dance of the Peruvian and Latin American settlers.

“I would say that it is the common dance among the countries of the Andean region. As we can understand, the Diablada is the result of a centuries-long cultural evolution and that today is summarized in the sentiment of the Andean and mestizo inhabitants of how to stage the fight between good and evil ”, he commented.

Proposal of identity

Gálvez added that Puno is a city of poets and artists and, over the years, a proposal of cultural identity has been built here that makes it worthy of such relevant titles as the Capital of Peruvian Folklore and cradle of the feast of the Virgin Candelaria, Cultural and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

“Peace, freedom, democracy, the vocation of well-being, of peaceful social coexistence must prevail over all kinds of extremism and totalitarianism and dictatorships – he emphasized -. For this reason, the Diablada, in a certain way, is that expression that the Peruvian man wants peace, freedom and democracy. ”

Regional and local authorities, Diablada groups, congressmen were present at this event. of the region and representatives of the Decentralized Directorate of Culture (DDC) Puno.

In context

On September 17, the Ministry of Culture declared the National Cultural Heritage of the traditional Diablada Puneña dance, in consideration of its importance as an expression of the festive and religious identity of the mestizo and urban population of the Puno region.

Since its origins, La Diablada has been a space for coexistence and cultural exchange, expressing through its aesthetics and ritual the various indigenous, Iberian and African heritages that coexist and give meaning to the multicultural reality, mestizo and globalized of contemporary Peru.

More in Andean:

– Andean Agency (@Agen cia_Andina) October 2, 2021


Released: 10/1/2021

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