Minister of Education: The Last Minute Message for Parents of Millions of Schoolchildren

Ministrul Educatiei Mesajul Ultima Ora Parintii Milioane Elevi Scoli

The Minister of Education sends an extreme announcement important for the parents of millions of students in Romanian schools, the government official talking to everyone about how the methodology was designed for students who are found infected, or those who are declared direct contacts.

The Minister of Education also talks about how parents should keep their children at home if they have certain specific symptoms, and also talks about what it means to be safe in schools in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, and a very strong wave 5.

“I think it is important to know things, apart from the common order of the ministries, there is an INSP methodology. The common order stipulates that since the first case, the DSP conducts an epidemiological investigation, and they are not in direct contact if they comply with the rules of prevention.

There is the possibility of online schooling in situations very clearly described in the common order for students and preschoolers under 12, a long series of vulnerabilities that lead to the student’s right to stay online, and the obligation to teach online, and in 12 years there are a number of conditions that entitle you to stay online.

Apart from those situations, if the students are not declared direct contacts by the DSP, the school is carried out with the physical presence. From what I understand from specialists, Dr. Stancel, for example, we can say that COVID-19 is becoming more and more mild as a flu, and not the other way around.

If there is suspicion, if there are specific symptoms, then notify the teacher, or the teacher, and in this situation they are no longer absent. It was also a call that I made for parents, if their children have specific symptoms, not to send them to the community. If there is a request from the school, then it is obvious that they are not absent in this situation.

After consulting with those with epidemiological skills, the situation differs from one school to another, there are over 17,000 schools in which the situation differs greatly. Differences in infrastructure, crowded schools, non-crowded schools, schools where we have a vaccination rate of 100%, and schools where we have a vaccination rate of 20%, sure to differ. ”

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