Miroslav Ilic does not want this! If Sasa Popovic also speaks BEFORE THE COURT, shame and disgrace will break out!

Miroslav Ilic and Mira Antonic in court!

Sasa Popovic and Lepa Brena have been in a bad relationship with Miroslav Ilic for 20 years, but the director of Grand did not testify against a colleague in the dispute on the lawsuit for proving paternity.

Miroslav Ilić does not want Sasa to testify in court!

This situation is very helpful Ilić because Popović can tell everything.

READ MORE: Miroslav Ilic is lying! These photos are PROOF OF LOVE with Mira Antonović!

– If anyone knows Miroslav Ilić well, it is me. I know him best. We followed him for several years on tours in 83, 84, 85. These were joint tours Lepa Brena and Miroslav Ilić. We know very well what he did on tour and how he behaved. If I brought dirty laundry to the public now, it would be an unprecedented disgrace and shame. I will not go back to that period at all – said Popović nine years ago and kept his word, since he is keeping aside in this dispute.


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