Moment Kogi Gov’s Armored Mercedes S-Class Arrived Yahaya Bello’s Home To Rescue Him Amidst EFCC Siege

Photos shared shows the moment Kogi Gov Ododo arrived Yahaya Bello’s home to rescue him amidst EFCC siege.

EFCC operatives had earlier restricted movement in and around Bello’s Abuja residence before the arrival of Ododo.

Hours after his arrival, Ododo was seen leaving with Bello in the governor’s official armored Mercedes S-Class.

It comes a month after EFCC named Bello in an amended money laundering charge filed against Alli Bello, chief of staff to Ododo.

Moment Kogi Gov’s Armored Mercedes S-Class Arrived Yahaya Bello’s Home To Rescue Him Amidst EFCC Siege - autojosh

Kogi State Governor, Usman Ododo, was on hand to rescue Yahya Bello on Wednesday after operatives of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) besiege the embattled ex-governor’s Abuja home to arrest him.

Photos shared shows the moment Governor Ododo’s convoy arrived Yahya Bello’s residence at about 2:30 pm alongside several security operatives and supporters.

Moment Kogi Gov’s Armored Mercedes S-Class Arrived Yahaya Bello’s Home To Rescue Him Amidst EFCC Siege - autojosh

About 2 hours after his arrival at Bello’s residence, Ododo was seen leaving with his predecessor in the governor’s official armored Mercedes-Benz S-Class sedan. The S-Class was followed by convoy of vehicles that arrived earlier with the governor.

The EFCC operatives had earlier restricted movement in and around Bello’s house on Benghazi street, Wuse Zone 4 before the arrival of Governor Usman Ododo.

The siege to the former governor’s house to arrest him comes about a month after the EFCC named Bello in an amended money laundering charge filed against Alli Bello, chief of staff to Ododo.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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