Monthly Horoscope: Leo, October 2021

Libra and Scorpio

Robin Eisenberg

The sun in Libra lights up the communication sector of your chart, but messenger planet Mercury is retrograde in Libra at the start of the month, so much of the information you’re getting isn’t new! Mercury retrograde finds you revisiting the past and reconsidering things. You may have to contend with delays and misunderstandings. Before you send out a text, double check who you are contacting, and if you hear any gossip, think twice before investing any belief. Hidden information and secrets are reexamined on October 1 as Mercury retrograde clashes with Pluto in Capricorn. Conversations or research that took place on September 22 may be revisited. A change in plans or your schedule could take place. 

Venus in Scorpio mingles with power planet Pluto on October 2, creating a potent atmosphere for connecting with your partners on a deep, emotional level. The mood is creative and transformative, and it’s a powerful time to make adjustments. Big plans that were discussed in your partnerships around September 20 are revisited on October 3 as Mercury retrograde connects with lucky Jupiter in Aquarius. Mercury retrograde may mean that plans aren’t ready to move forward yet, but intriguing reconsiderations or information could be revealed or discussed at this time. Mercury retrograde can be frustrating and slow, but it does help us understand things from a new perspective, which is beneficial in the long run, and as Mercury connects with Jupiter, now’s the time to keep an open mind. 

The new moon in Libra lands on October 6, finding you thinking about things in a new way. New moons are the beginning of new cycles, and this one has you rethinking communication (everything from how you express yourself, to your boundaries with friends), as well as reconnecting with your neighborhood, neighbors, or your siblings, if you have them. A new connection with your immediate surroundings may be forming. Finding ways to be present and practice mindfulness is a great use of the new moon energy. A message you have been waiting for or a conversation you want to start may arrive. Also on this day, Pluto ends its retrograde, creating a powerful atmosphere for productivity and changing habits and patterns. An important shift in your routine could be taking place.

Venus enters fellow fire sign Sagittarius on October 7, asking you a simple question: Are you having fun? If you are, more is likely on the way, but if you’re not, it’s time to consider whether you want to stay in certain relationships or continue with certain projects. This is a fantastic time to get closer to a crush, share your feelings with someone, and enjoy quality time with your lovers. Creative blocks are busted and you’re feeling appreciated for your artistic talents. This is a great opportunity to let loose, have fun, and celebrate life to the fullest! Sagittarius doesn’t do anything half way, so Venus in Sagittarius will likely bring plenty of love, adventure, and happiness! 

When it comes to communication and problem solving, you’re getting straight to the point as the sun, Mars, and Mercury retrograde align in Libra on October 8 and October 9. Important realizations take place, and you may be feeling a keen sense of mental clarity, finding you in a no B.S. mood, telling it like it is, and demanding justice, integrity, and transparency. Saturn ends its retrograde in your opposite sign Aquarius on October 10, and you and your partners are considering important questions of commitment, and Venus connects with Saturn on October 13, creating a supportive atmosphere for making future plans, discussing boundaries, and setting standards.

The sun connects with Jupiter on October 15, inspiring an optimistic atmosphere: It’s a lovely time to meet new people, share ideas, and connect with your partners. The mood is fun and flirtatious as Mercury retrograde mingles with sweet Venus on October 16, but watch out for big egos on October 17 as the sun squares off with Pluto. A difficult conversation may be complicated further by someone (perhaps you!) clinging to old ways of thinking. It’s important to stay open-minded and embrace change. Jupiter and Mercury end their retrogrades on October 18: Jupiter direct creates an expansive atmosphere in your relationships, and Mercury helps conversations move forward. This is an exciting time to connect with people, whether they are new acquaintances or established partners. Communication is productive and exciting as action planet Mars also connects with expansive Jupiter on this day.

The full moon in fellow fire sign Aries arrives on October 20, bringing an important culmination to a situation that’s been brewing in your social life. A vision or wish you had may be manifesting. Full moons are often very emotional, but this one finds you taking a detached look at things: A clearer perspective is arising, a breakthrough can take place! But watch out for short tempers and arguments as Mars and Pluto square off on October 22: Again, clinging to old ideas or old ways of doing things is not the way to go. Stay flexible, be patient, and keep in mind that arguments may lead to endings, so choose your words wisely. 

Scorpio season begins on October 23, shifting your focus to home and family. This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with your loved ones and entertain at home, safety precautions considered! Romance flows as Venus squares off with Neptune in Pisces on October 26, and Venus mingles with Jupiter on October 28. This is an opportunity to connect with people on a deep, emotional level! Some insecurities could surface, and be careful not to over-indulge, whether that means over-spending or giving in to negative thoughts. Find ways to stay grounded: Meet new people, connect with your partners, and simply to enjoy yourself!

You’re in a more serious mood as the sun and taskmaster Saturn square off on October 30: The last few days found you swept off your feet, but now you want firm commitments, and to know that your partners are responsible. Action planet Mars enters Scorpio on this day, finding you busy tackling projects at home. You might be renovating or moving, or addressing an issue with a roommate or family member. This is a great time to clear out clutter, and emotionally, to let go of the past. October 31 finds Mercury connecting with Jupiter, helping you move forward with big ideas that were shared on September 20 and revised on October 3. This is an exciting time to network and share ideas; the mood is especially open-minded and optimistic. 

Good luck this month, Leo, and see you in November!

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