THE MOON has been briefly explored by mankind, and that’s because taking astronauts there isn’t exactly easy, and surviving in such an environment is a big challenge, but NASA has done just that.

THE MOON was a great challenge for the American space agency, and because in the end it managed to get people there, it tried to document as well as possible everything they experienced in the little

In the video above we have a demonstration of how gravity influences human interactions, and of course everything looks exactly like science fiction movies.

As you can see, moving around the moon is not easy, but the falls are not as hard as on Earth, or at least they don’t seem to be, hit hard objects due to lower power gravity.

In this second video you can see how much it influences the gravity and throwing of objects in that environment, they float for longer periods, but also longer distances than on Earth.

Of course not even the actions themselves to throwing them, or hitting them, cannot be done as easily as on our planet, and so we can get an even clearer idea of ​​the major differences between the two environments.

NASA tried to gather as much information as possible about what life there means, and that’s why he wants to send astronauts again, but this time for a very different purpose.

Now the agency American space wants to see how it can establish a lunar base, the colonization of the Earth’s natural satellite being a very important step towards the first trips to Mars, another extremely important goal for humanity.

There is, of course , a lot to do until people can land again, but NASA is working hard me, with many partners, to achieve this extremely important goal.

Notes : This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the above content. To see the article at original source Click Here

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