More than 500 injured in Tokyo due to heavy snowfall

More than 500 people in this capital were treated in hospitals in the last 48 hours due to to falls related to snow on the streets, authorities reported today.

This city received the heaviest snowfall in the last four years, with an accumulation of 10 centimeters of snow in the central areas of the city and temperatures of minus 3.5 degrees Celsius.

According to the Tokyo Fire Department, a total of 525 people They were transferred to hospitals with both minor and serious injuries.

For their part, the police disclosed that until this Friday the storm caused 77 traffic accidents that resulted in injuries , and left up to 100 vehicles stuck at the Tokyo Gate Bridge in the Bay Area.

The Rainbow Bridge, one of the main tourist attractions in the capital, In addition to 14 other routes of the Metropolitan Highway were temporarily closed due to the snow.

All Nippon Airways reported cancellation of nine flights departing or arriving at Tokyo Haneda Airport; while several railway lines were suspended or delayed.

The Japan Meteorological Agency issued a warning for the 23 districts of the capital.

The warning was also issued in Chiba and Ibaraki prefectures, while meteorologists drew attention to heavy snowfall in other areas of the Pacific coast, which generally see less snow than the sea ​​side of Japan.

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