More than two months after the floods, 90 families are still looking for accommodation in Chaudfontaine: the town will install 30 converted containers

By Laura Salamon

During the last Chaudfontaine municipal council, the mayor Daniel Bacquelaine drew up the first housing assessment since the terrible floods in mid-July. On the entity, 1,800 households were impacted and 90 families are still looking for a solution for housing. The municipality has also signed an agreement to occupy a land to install 30 converted containers that can accommodate homes.

1.800 foyers touchés par les inondations à Chaudfontaine.

1,800 households affected by the floods in Chaudfontaine. – LH

“A certain number of buildings were affected by the floods”, begins the mayor Daniel Bacquelaine. “Some stay at home, but for many families, it is not possible to live upstairs during renovations. Currently, 90 families are still in real difficulty. This is the reason why we have signed up to the Walloon Region convention for containers, ”he continues.

>> The bourgmestre explains: “We opted for the rental aspect rather than the purchase . “

>> Find out where the 30 equipped containers will be installed .

>> The municipality must carry out improvements on the ground which will accommodate the containers: this is when they can be installed .

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