Most consistently popular UK baby names of the last 100 years

Picking out a baby name can be a very tough decision for new parents, with so many unique ones to pick from.

However, some have clearly remained a favourite among many generations, and have ranked among the most consistently popular names of the last 100 years.

Analysis from My Nametagslooked at data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to discover this.

A total of 15 names have made it into the top 100 most popular names every single decade since the 1920s.

Oxford Mail: 15 baby names have remained among the most consistently popular in the UK for 100 years15 baby names have remained among the most consistently popular in the UK for 100 years (Image: Canva)

In total 13 boys’ names made the list, compared to just two girls’ namessuggesting that parents are more daring in their choices for baby girls.

Top 15 most consistently popular UK baby names (1921-2021)

1. Alexander

2. Charles

3. Daniel

4. David

5. Edward

6. Elizabeth

7. George

8. James

9. Joseph

10. Michael

11. Mohammed

12. Robert

13. Sarah

14. Thomas

15. William

Lars B. Andersen, Managing Director atMy Nametagssaid: “At My Nametags, we have been tracking baby name trends for almost two decades.

“Throughout the years, we have seen many names come and go, with trends often influenced by pop culture. However, there are some names that seem to have enduring appeal.

“It’s interesting to see that, whilst traditional monikers like Elizabeth and George are maintaining their charm, names in general are becoming more diverse as parents favour less formal options, and increasingly take inspiration from popular culture.

“For example, Maeve made the top 100 charts in 2020, a year after the Netflix show Sex Education aired for the first time with its lead character Maeve Wiley.

“As popular culture continues to have a wider social impact, we expect this trend to grow, leading to an even broader range of names in the UK.”

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